What is a Personal Chef Service? Are you a Caterer?

A Personal Chef is a trained individual who comes to your home and prepares meals tailored to your specific needs and desires. This chef plans the menus, shops for the groceries, cooks the meals, labels them with detailed heating instructions, and places them in your refrigerator or freezer. The chef also cleans up the kitchen. When you come home you are greeted by wonderful aromas, a clean kitchen, and a refrigerator or freezer filled with delicious meals.

A personal chef also provides in-home catering for parties, cooking everything in your kitchen and providing service for your guests.

A private chef works exclusively for one client and provides almost all the meals. Many times, a private chef is also a ‘live-in’ chef.

A caterer cooks in a commercial kitchen and delivers the food to the clients.

How do Personal Chef Services Work?


To begin the process, we investigate how you are currently eating and how you would like to eat in the future. We discover your food preferences and aversions, allergies and/or special diets through a detailed food questionnaire.

Menu Planning

Roughly a week before each cook day, Chef Capaldi creates a customized menu. Upon your approval, we prepare lists and organize recipes.


On the cooking day, we shop for the freshest ingredients, come to your home and cook. Before leaving, we clean the kitchen so that you find it as you left it with the exception that you have a fridge full of food and lovely aromas!

And it begins again

We then plan the next service based upon your comments as we work to refine and home in on menus that make you the happiest.

Why Hire a Personal Chef?

Ever want the great tasting food of a restaurant, the healthiness of home prepared food with the no hassle ease and clean-up of delivery? Hiring a Personal Chef affords you all these benefits:

  • Grocery Shopping and Fresh, Quality Ingredients

    On your service day, your Personal Chef completes all of the shopping, selecting the finest and freshest ingredients, saving you trips to the grocery store for the coming weeks while you enjoy great tasting meals.

  • Easy to prepare and clean up meals

    Personal Chefs offer a great selection of prepared and packaged meals conveniently stored in your home refrigerator and freezer. The meals are easy to heat and prepare and even easier to clean up. No more after dinner drudgery.

  • More free time

    You don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner anymore. No more shopping, going out, picking up, or preparation of the evening meals. Think of all the extra time you will save by hiring a Personal Chef Service. Time for the other, more important part of your life.

  • Affordable Meals

    A Personal Chef Service is cost effective and can actually save you money. How much time is expended, and money spent to dine out, pick up food, make trips to the grocery store, or preparing the evening meal? A Personal Chef Service is a cost-efficient alternative.

Who Hires a Personal Chef?

A common misconception is that a Personal Chef service is only for the wealthy. Anyone who has a need to solve the “What’s for Dinner?” problem can hire a Personal Chef service. This may be people who are busy professionals, on the go, and people with special dietary needs. Anyone wanting to improve their quality of life through healthful, delicious, and nutritious meals, along with enjoying the convenience and free time the service provides, will hire a Personal Chef service.

No longer just for the rich and famous.

More and more people from all walks-of-life are hiring personal chefs. If you appreciate great food, enjoy personalized service, and want more time in your busy schedule a personal chef service is exactly what you need. People who hire personal chefs include:

  • Busy Professionals

  • Families on the Go

  • Affluent Seniors

  • People with Special Dietary Needs and Restrictions

Do you have to cook at my home? Can’t you just deliver the food?

Current health regulations require a personal chef to either prepare the food in the home of the client or in a commercial kitchen. By cooking your food in your home, we offer a one-on-one, personalized service of food prepared just for you.

Do I have to provide containers?

No, but we are happy to recommend containers for you to purchase or provide containers of the appropriate size for your service. This will be discussed in detail before the first cook day.

Do I have to give you a key to my house?

This is your decision to make. If you opt not to provide a key, we work with you to accommodate your morning schedule.

What do I have to do to prepare my kitchen for you to cook?

The most wonderful thing you can do for a personal chef is to clear your kitchen counters/tables and make sure the sink is empty. That is it.

Must I have all frozen dishes?

The short answer is NO. You can have all fresh dishes or some fresh, some refrigerated and some frozen. If you opt for having some of the dishes frozen, we have recipes created specifically to taste as fresh as they day they were created even after being frozen.

Will I be able to afford this service?

Most clients are pleasantly surprised to find out that Personal Chef Service is reasonably priced. Considering the reduced amount of “good-intention groceries” that end up in the trash along with the time saved in planning menus, shopping, cooking and cleaning up, this service is invaluable to our clients.

How and when do I pay for the service?

For the first service, full payment of the Chef’s Service Fee is required in advance – reimbursement for the groceries will be on the cook day. Subsequent service payment can be agreed upon later.

Covid 19 Policy

We take your health seriously this is why we follow the USPCA COVID-19 Guidelines.